Pets capable of being nurtured to gain sentience- The loach

Loaches are often referred to as “fallen dragons.” They’re believed to safeguard their owner’s career prospects and enhance social ties. However, they’re quite suspicious and it’s challenging for them to bond with their owner.


To select a loach, place your hand among a group of them and opt for the one that nibbles on your hand. Loaches can be carried around, kept indoors, or placed under the bed.


When it comes to raising a loach, designate one person to take care of it. Use just enough water to allow the loach ample space to move around, with the water level about two fingers above the loach. Include a broken eggshell in the water and change it every two days. Loaches have hearty appetites. You can feed them broken noodles, turtle food, or fishworms, but they’re not fond of rice. Feed them once daily. Read the Diamond Sutra (not the Tao Te Ching) to the loach after sunset, focusing on one section at a time. Both feeding and reading should occur post-sunset, and in the morning, ensure the loach is in a spot with indirect sunlight.

Here are some important points:

①Once a loach bonds with its owner, it’s thought to protect the owner’s career and social connections. It enjoys making eye contact. No matter which way the owner turns, the loach will swim in that direction and always face the owner, indicating a bond has formed. (If no bond forms within a year, consider releasing the loach)
②After bonding, the loach becomes more composed and unhurried, and its body gradually turns a pure golden yellow.
③Loaches are primarily suited for adults to raise. For children, carp is a better choice.
④Loaches shouldn’t be kept with cats.