Six Feng Shui Pets
Xuanwu: The Chinese soft-shelled turtle is an auxiliary pet. It accumulates good fortune and luck, and also brings wealth and prosperity to one’s home.
Zhuque: The rooster possesses a strong yang energy and is capable of subduing yin spirits.
Baihu: Cats have an extremely strong innate spiritual power and a powerful gravitational force. They can stabilize the soul, calm the spirit, and even prolong life.
Fu Sun: Although dogs are yin in nature, they share some similarities with ghosts. They carry a person’s yang energy, can see ghosts and sense sha energy, and possess a warning ability. Plus, they are incredibly loyal.
Qinglong: The carp boasts the strongest spiritual power and is highly yin. As a feng shui fish, it can take on disasters on behalf of its owner.
Duolong: The loach can protect one’s official fortune and enhance personal relationships. However, it is quite suspicious and not easily tamed.
Feng Shui Pets: Other Matters
①It’s advisable to keep just one of any type of spiritual pet. The effects of these pets gradually manifest over time, offering a lasting and enduring impact. Those that seem to work quickly and effectively are often not the genuine approach.
②Spiritual pets serve merely as aids. The primary factors are human actions and destiny. No matter how well a spiritual pet can ward off evil and block sha energy, one should refrain from acting recklessly.
③We should refer to spiritual pets as being “raised,” not “invited.” Spiritual pets are not deities; they should heed human commands, assist in human affairs, and enhance human fortune.
④If a person’s baziconflicts with a certain spiritual pet, since the pet is under human control and cannot truly clash, it can still be raised.
⑤Rabbits lack spiritual nature. In terms of feng shui, they may suggest an unclean inner residence and unfaithful women. Keeping them for fun is generally harmless. Hamsters also lack spiritual nature and can drain a home’s fortune. However, they can be kept in the bathroom without affecting the home’s main fortune. Keeping snakes is generally inadvisable, as the word sounds like “break” in Chinese. Unless a snake comes to your door on its own. Two highly spiritual snakes are pythons and cobras. They have excessive yin and sha energy, which clashes with human yang energy. Moreover, they have a strong killing intent and may turn on their owners. If a snake enters your home, avoid harming it unless necessary. Do not strike a pet snake unless it poses a threat. (Minks and foxes are also unsuitable as pets.)