Self-healing: Once a move is made, let it be without regret

Embarking on the lengthy and enthralling voyage of life, we all assume the role of decision-makers, perpetually confronted with an array of options. These decisions resemble chess pieces placed on a board by a player, and once made, they are irrevocable. Among the myriad mental states, one supreme state stands out: “no regrets for the moves made.” It demands that we, irrespective of whether our choices prove right or wrong, wise or impulsive, muster the courage to face the ensuing outcomes once we commit, eschewing regret and complaints. Life presents no “what ifs,” only “consequences” and “outcomes.”

Sanmao’s words illuminate this concept: “What heaven does not bestow upon me will slip away, no matter how tightly I clench my fingers; what is granted will remain, no matter how loosely I hold on.” This insight underscores life’s impermanence and the futility of resisting fate. In our quest for certain goals, we often exert every effort, only to discover that they were never meant for us; yet, sometimes, the most cherished treasures arrive unexpectedly. Thus, we must learn to accept life’s gains and losses with equanimity, focusing on the present rather than dwelling on the past or fretting about the future.

Every person and event we encounter enriches our lives. Whether it’s spilled milk, a departed loved one, or a friendship that was fleeting, these experiences are integral to our journey. They foster growth and maturity. Consequently, we should not reproach our past selves for the choices we made in good faith, even if the outcomes were less than ideal.

Memories, while an essential part of life, should not ensnare us. Instead, they should act as guiding lights, illuminating the detours we’ve taken and cautioning us against repeating past mistakes. By releasing the burdens of the past, we can embrace our imperfections, accept the possibility of giving without receiving, and acknowledge that sincerity may not always reach its intended destination.

True warriors confront life’s challenges head-on and have the fortitude to shoulder the consequences. They remain undaunted by failure and unswayed by success. They recognize that life is akin to a game of chess, where each move requires meticulous thought, but once made, it must be met with courage and resolve.

Let us cultivate the habit of living in the present and valuing each day. Doing so honors our past selves and acknowledges that every choice and hardship we’ve faced has contributed to our growth. With a mindset of “no regrets for the moves made,” we can boldly tackle life’s obstacles, savor each moment, and allow our lives to radiate brilliance.