Signs You’re Draining Someone Else’s Luck—Avoid Them

Steer Clear of Others’ Karma

There are four types of futile meddling: trying to shore up crumbling mud sculptures, attempting to revive salted fish, and scalding a dead pig. Charles Dickens wisely noted, “Good manners consist in minding your own business and not meddling with other people’s affairs.” Those who refrain from meddling enjoy fewer worries and a bit more wisdom and peace of mind.

Be Cautious with Lending Money

The Zuo Zhuan advises, “Assess your virtue and act accordingly; measure your strength and proceed with it.” Money is a form of energy, and it shouldn’t be lent out carelessly. Lending money is a test of character. Don’t let excessive generosity disrupt your own life. Keep a distance from people who only consume your resources and take advantage of you. Wisely managing financial transactions is a crucial lesson for adults.

Protect Your Energy

If you feel restless when with someone or doing something, it’s wise to exit quickly. If someone can easily manipulate your emotions, they are draining you. When you sense a lack of energy, time, or vitality, distance yourself from such people. In social interactions, the ability to filter out negative influences is essential.

3 Signs a Family Is Draining Luck

Meddling in Others’ Affairs: The old adage goes, “Sweep the snow in front of your own door, don’t bother with the frost on others’ tiles.” A family that constantly meddles will see its energy and fortune decline. Even with close ones, avoid unnecessary interference. Your subconscious may take on the fate of others. If you’re capable and willing to help, do so moderately.
Excessive Entanglement and Emotional Exhaustion: Many people hold back their anger outside but let it out on their loved ones. Bringing negative emotions home can affect the family’s luck.
Overdoing Kindness and Disrupting Family Relationships: Everyone has their own karma. Learning to respect the fates and choices of different lives is a lifelong lesson. True mutual benefit means staying in your place, minding your own business, and not interfering in others’ karma. This is the self-discipline a spiritual person should have.